How crop managers can improve their learning curve

By |2024-07-24T05:45:25+00:00July 18th, 2024|Blog|

Written by: Green Architect Peter Klapwijk

Thirty years of success does not guarantee 31 years of fruitful farming. Weather changes, crops evolve, substrates vary, and new discoveries are uncovered, meaning crop managers must continually learn and improve to ensure future yield.
How can you learn while you’re out tending to your crops? Here are the top ways to improve your learning curve to optimize your operations.

Join the collective knowledge

Connect with neighbors

Crowdsourcing and collective knowledge are two of the best ways to gain information in today’s world. You can learn almost anything from meeting and discussing your thoughts with experts who are also invested in the field. This is true for farmers and especially for farmers in the same area.
Your neighbors are likely working with the same weather conditions and the same suppliers and may have important insights. If you establish friendly relationships with neighbors, you can discover their strategies and approaches, and see their results. You might uncover their mistakes or learn helpful tips and tricks.
When you meet your neighbors, don’t be the person with the most knowledge, be the person with the most questions. You will learn a lot by asking what others are doing and why.

Be a good neighbor

If you want your neighbors to share information with you, you will need to share information with them. Don’t think of it as sharing trade secrets with a competitor, think of your knowledge share as a rising tide that lifts all boats. Everyone will benefit from pooling insights and information. When you share and collect knowledge you will have a large database to assist in your decision making.
However, when sharing and collecting information from neighbors, it is important to ensure that everyone has proper plant registration and is collecting data similarly to ensure that data is comparable. This brings us to the next point.
Analyze crop registration
Crop registration is critical for analyzing data about your plants. You should measure leaf length, fruit development, pollination, and other indicators of plant health. When you have quantifiable data, it is easy to measure and compare with data from previous years or your neighbors and colleagues.
Accurate crop registration also allows you to track the impact of any changes you make. For example, you might notice a difference in leaf length when you adjust your watering practices. You might also discover something by comparing your crop registration with your neighbors or by working with a crop consultant who can provide insights into your analysis.

Visit industry events and fairs

Trade shows, exhibitions, and fairs are great places to see new technology and learn the latest insights and discoveries. You can listen to researchers lecture about their findings and meet with experts outside of your neighborhood group.
Events can get you out of your comfort zone and often provide inspiration and motivation to try new things and expose you to ideas that you might never have thought of. You might find new tools or technology that can help you improve operations, or you might meet colleagues with whom you can develop new business.
Paskal enjoys attending industry events and fairs such as GreenTech Americas, GreenTech Amsterdam, and HortiContact Go. If you see us at an exhibition, please say hi!

Study educational and academic material

Growing is a very practical profession. This might seem at odds with academics, which tends to be more theoretical. However, a good understanding of theory is very useful when making practical decisions. Theory can guide you and ensure your decisions are based on sound and proven information. While it takes a significant investment of time and money to acquire an education, it can be very beneficial in the long run.
As with any subject, learning about farming is best in groups. Study groups that meet consistently to discuss academic materials can provide deeper insights and create a group of colleagues that can be called upon in the future for consultations. Study groups and education can also be strengthened with the help of professional experts or consultants.

Join the collective knowledge

You might be happy with your farming results, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do better. No matter your results today, it’s important to stay humble and know that next season will likely be different.
You might have noticed that all the aforementioned methods to improve your learning curve have one thing in common: they require cooperation. Sure, you could probably operate a successful horticulture business alone, but it will never reach its full potential without collective knowledge from peers and colleagues.
We hope you will go forth and collect and share knowledge, just as we try to do on our blog by sharing our insights from our own experience in the field.

Top fruit and vegetable trends every farmer should be aware of

By |2024-05-29T06:20:31+00:00May 29th, 2024|Blog|

Written by: Mr. Peter KlapwijkGreen Architect and Connector with a vast growing history.


The way people eat is evolving. As knowledge increases and diets change, consumers are weighing different things in their decision-making.
Here are some of the top trends shaping consumption and what this means for farmers.

Increased consumer awareness

Consumer awareness has undergone a profound evolution over the past half-century due to technological advancements, changes in societal norms, a growing emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility, and an increase in average education.
In the 1960s, consumers tended to purchase whatever was offered to them at the stores. They bought what they needed and wanted to consume without questioning the health content. To meet demand, many producers used significant amounts of chemicals to produce high quantities of beautiful produce. This ensured that there was enough supply to meet consumer demand and helped farmers maximize the value of their crops.
Today’s consumers are now interested in where their produce came from before it hit the grocery store shelves. They may want to know about growing methods and nutritional content.

The growing appetite for vegetables

Vegetables used to have a bad rap when it came to taste, but in recent years there has been a notable increase in vegetable consumption worldwide. As plant-based diets become more popular and consumers become more health conscious, vegetables are no longer just considered a side to a main dish. Today many diets focus on vegetable consumption because of their health benefits. Unlike protein or carbs, which can cause health problems if consumed in excess, vegetables can never be overconsumed.

Today there are many movements and culinary trends that showcase vegetables and prove that healthy foods can be as delicious or even more delicious than their more gluttonous counterparts.

More opting for organics

Organic used to be considered a luxury for consumers with extra disposable income. They were expensive because traditional organic growing methods were difficult and volatile.
However, the average consumer’s disposable income has increased. In the 1960s, the average American family spent 17.5% of household income on food, according to the US Department of Agriculture. Today, families spend less than 10% and they are more likely to spend it on foods that are healthy and nutritious.
In the meantime, modern growing methods have made it easier and less expensive to produce organic crops. In the past, organic crops needed to be grown in specific soil, which was great for roots, but also difficult for farmers to monitor and avoid diseases. Today, farmers can use substrates and have better control over their organic produce. It still may be more difficult to produce organic products, but profit margins are bigger for organics, making this important for business operations.
As prices for organics go down and the average disposable income goes up, the market for organic produce is rapidly growing.

Going with your gut: the importance of the microbiome

There has been significant research lately on microbiomes and how they affect health. Every person has a collection of bacteria in their body that plays an essential role in digestion, immunity, and metabolism.
Recent studies show that consuming organic produce can have a positive effect on the development of a person’s microbiome. This, in turn, can lead to increased nutrient absorption and improved immunity and metabolism.
Research on this topic is still ongoing, but the more that is discovered, the more scientists learn about the effects of food on human’s overall health.

What do these trends mean for farmers?

Some farmers might benefit from producing organically. It can lead to new opportunities in the market and improve profitability. Switching to organic growing methods can be a difficult transition for farmers, especially when conventional methods including pesticides and chemicals have proven successful.
Farmers who want to join these trends should start small. Create pilots in greenhouses or fields to test organic growing methods and ensure they will work at the farm. As organic growing becomes more familiar, farmers can decide whether this method works for them and their businesses.
Today there is still a huge market for conventionally produced crops. The world’s population is increasing and there is a huge industrial food chain relying on low-cost crops.
Whichever way farmers produce, ensuring food safety is a top priority. This means using food safe materials and equipment. Paskal, for example, uses raw materials that comply with FDA regulations 21 CFR 177.1520 for Substances for Use as Basic Components of Single and Repeated Use Food Contact Surfaces, or 21 CFR 178.3297 for Indirect food additives.

Take charge of your marketing, communication, and education

Farmers know their business better than anyone else and they are responsible for making the best decisions to ensure the sustainability of their business and production. Sometimes improving business sustainability requires taking initiative and trendsetting and sometimes it means doing what they do best.
Farmers can always experiment with new growing methods, involving universities and students in advanced research, and cooperating with other farmers, organizations, and even other disciplines. For example, farmers can cooperate with life science or medical experts to advance research in both areas.
The more we learn about health and sustainability, the better equipped everyone will be to ensure a more fruitful future.

Circular growing concepts for operational efficiency

By |2024-05-15T12:42:27+00:00April 8th, 2024|Blog|

Written By: Mr. Peter Klapwijk, Green Architect and Connector with a vast growing history.

Joining the circular economy is the most important thing you can do to make your farming business more sustainable. Not only will it reduce your impact on the environment, but it will also make your business more resource-efficient, allowing you to lower costs and improve your crop quality.

Read on for a round-up of circular growing concepts that will improve your operational efficiency and protect the environment for generations to come.

Harvest the sun with your greenhouse

The sun is a powerful and free resource you can use to warm and heat your greenhouse. In optimal conditions, the sun provides about 1,000 watts of light at the peak of the day. This heat can be harvested and stored for the cooler months.

The heat you can collect from 1 hectare of your greenhouse will be 1.5 times as much as you will need to heat the greenhouse all year round. You’ll be able to use this heat to warm the greenhouse air and warm water up to 40 degrees Celsius.

Don’t worry about needing expensive equipment to harvest the sun. Your greenhouse is already working as a solar panel. All you need is a way to store this heat. Use heat exchangers like radiators that will collect the heat and store it to warm wells for water. In the cold season you can use this warm water by treating it with a heat pump and blowing it as warm air into the greenhouse to keep your plants warm and comfortable.

For many greenhouses, heating can be one of the most expensive activities, especially as the prices of oil and gas are increasing. If you harvest the sun’s heat, you’ll be saving money and reducing your reliance on these highly polluting materials.

Repurpose substrates

Substrate use is on the rise in greenhouses because they provide an optimal and disease-free growth medium. However, to maintain this optimal environment, new substrates must be used each season. The question then arises, what should be done with substrates after crops are harvested and greenhouses need to be prepared for new crops?

Don’t waste your used substrates. Many organic substrates such as peat and cocopeat can be reused as fertilizer in open fields. Inorganic substrates can also be repurposed. For example, if you use stone wool, this can be recycled and melted for making bricks.

As you adopt more circular growing methods, consider which substrates you use based on their sustainability. For example, peat is made of oak trees and grasses. While it is a great growing medium, it takes a very long time to produce, and extracting it from its environment can disrupt its natural ecosystem.

Sawdust, wood-based substrates, or cocopeat are all environmentally friendly substrates that are easy to produce and easy to recycle.

Avoid chemical fertilizers

Many of today’s fertilizers come from the chemical industry. While they may lead to bright and beautiful fruit, they actually harm the quality of production. Organic fertilizers made of manure, compost, and other natural matter lead to the highest quality crops. They can also be used on substrates to ensure that crops receive all the minerals and nutrients they need to be healthy.

Using organic fertilizers not only frees crops from chemicals, but it also allows you to recycle waste created by your farming operations.

Manage pests naturally

Your integrated pest management (IPM) system is an important one for circular growing. Instead of using chemicals that harm growth, biological control is an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to protect plants from pests such as aphids and other insects.

Import natural predators into your greenhouse to attack pests. They will minimize the number of pests in your greenhouse without contaminating crops. This requires proper scouting and management to ensure your ecosystem is constantly balanced.

Other pests such as mildew, fungi, and bacteria can also be eliminated without chemicals. You could use UV lights and natural medicines, ensuring a clean and healthy growing environment

Reduce tools for successful management

Maintaining a circular and optimal environment requires significant work for the farmer. However, with the right tools and systems in place, it doesn’t have to get in the way of efficiency. In fact, the opposite is true.

Scouting and monitoring are the two most important things for maintaining balance in your greenhouse. Cameras can be your eyes so you don’t have to spend all your time walking through each row. You can also create a system to ensure you are monitoring and watching out so you can catch any potential issues early on and fix them before they become problems.

Using a closed system in your greenhouse will also help you better manage and reduce your resource use with irrigation, fertilization, and energy. This will save you significant time and money.

Join the circular economy for cleaner products

The amount of food that needs to be produced to feed the world is increasing, as is the concern about pollution and contaminated products. Farmers must increase their yield while ensuring they are providing the cleanest and healthiest products for consumers.

Today’s consumers spend about 10% of their income on food and most people are willing to spend more on higher quality products. Circular growing concepts prioritize safe and healthy food while cultivating a sustainable future where people and the planet thrive in harmony. By adopting these practices in your greenhouse, you can sow the seeds for generations to come.

Greenhouse tech trends to look forward to in 2024

By |2024-01-23T12:18:53+00:00January 15th, 2024|Blog|

Written By: Mr. Peter Klapwijk, Green Architect and Connector with a vast growing history.

Horticulture is an evergreen industry. No matter how society evolves, people will always need to eat, and retailers will always need to stock their shelves with high-quality produce. This is great for greenhouse businesses and for their investors.

While farmers may be producing the same crops year after year, there have been significant technological developments over the years that improve growing methods and equipment, leading to higher work efficiency and product quality.

Fifty years ago, one greenhouse manager(grower) would have had his or her hands full managing 5,000 square meters of crops. But today, thanks to many advancements, one manager can manage up to 24 hectares.

As we look to the new year, we expect to see further advancements in greenhouse technology trends that will further improve efficiency and ease of greenhouse management.

Greenhouses will be constructed for efficiency

As demand for produce grows, many farmers are building larger greenhouses to reduce labor energy costs and automatize. With larger greenhouses, it is more difficult to equalize the greenhouse climate. To address this challenge, there are different ways to construct greenhouses for improved efficiency.

Greenhouses are now constructed with ventilation in mind. Ventilation stimulates transpiration, which is of utmost importance for optimal growth and efficiency. Modern ventilation techniques mix the air inside the greenhouse to equalize the climate for all crops.

Additionally, many new greenhouses are built from glass and use special technology to combat reflection and to defuse light through the glass. This technology scatters the light to operate sort of like a mist and reduces the amount of radiation plants could experience from direct sunlight. This improves the light penetration into plants and results in increased photosynthesis. Foil also aids in transmitting and diffusing light.

To improve heating efficiency, many greenhouses use two to three layers of screens to keep heat inside. Today’s screens also have higher isolation values, meaning each one is highly efficient at trapping all the heat inside.

We expect 2024 greenhouse construction methods to continue focusing on optimizing natural resources such as light and heat.

AI will take charge of decision-making for autonomous growing

If you’re a greenhouse grower, you can only monitor your crops for so many hours a day. But sensors with artificial intelligence capabilities can monitor 24/7. AI sensors can check if plants are transpiring and monitor greenhouse temperatures in different places all at the same time. It can also measure leaf length, growth speed, pest levels, and everything else that managers check during scouting.

This data can then be used to make changes to ventilation, heating, irrigation, or any other actions that previously would have been initiated by the greenhouse manager. With AI, the manager must only create a specific algorithm that details how the AI system should respond to any data.

Because sensors are more specific and able to collect more data than humans, this can lead to much more precise growth. Most growers would be surprised at the differences between what they would have done and what their algorithms lead their AI systems to do simply because the AI sensors collect much more accurate data. This reduces human error and oversights and leads to much more optimal growth.

In 2024, we expect these AI systems to become more advanced and measurement technology to become more accurate. With self-learning, these sensors can get feedback from crops and create their own algorithms based on how plants respond to specific changes.

Grow light will lead to year-round crop consistency

Today, people don’t think of tomatoes as a summer crop. They expect to consistently buy tomatoes no matter the season or temperature. To ensure crops are available all year round, many greenhouses use grow lights for to produce year-round. In countries with early sunsets in the winter, this is extremely important because it significantly improves plant growth and crop quality. In fact, most retailers prefer to stock crops grown under grow light because this leads to higher quality and quantity crops, as well as better consistency.

While most greenhouses already use grow lights, we expect a trend in 2024 for using different color lights for improved growth. Modern LED grow lights give farmers more flexibility in the color spectrum so farmers can choose the saturation of different light colors shining on their crops. For example, blue light makes plants more generative. Red light also improves growth, so a mixture of blue and red light might be very beneficial for plants, even if it does make your greenhouse look light a nightclub. You can make the light appear whiter by adding some green. 2024 is a great year for experimenting with light colors for optimal plant growth.

Robots will get better at harvesting crops

What sounds more complex: building a rocket ship or picking a cucumber? If you think the answer is building a rocket ship, you would be wrong. Building a rocket ship has a specific set of instructions. Every board, nut, and bolt has a designated spot. That’s not the case with picking crops. Every plant is different, cucumbers might be different sizes or positioned differently on the plant. It’s easier to program a robot to do something with specific instructions, but less so when it comes to something that will be different every time.

Today there are already robots that are successful at deleafing crops or harvesting leafy greens. However, the technology for successfully harvesting cucumbers and tomatoes is not ready yet for widespread use. In 2024, we expect to see some advancements in robot technology for harvesting crops, as well as for scouting diseases. This technology will likely be expensive at first, but as it improves, prices will go down and it will be a great efficiency improvement.

2024 is about efficiency

The food industry is growing and farmers will need bigger greenhouses to meet consumer demands. The challenge will be to do this while improving efficiency, relating both to labor and resources. We look forward to new innovative ways to improve efficiency in 2024! Do more with less.

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Biological Control: How natural predators improve crop yield

By |2023-12-13T10:47:08+00:00December 13th, 2023|Blog|

Written by: Mr. Peter KlapwijkGreen Architect and Connector with a vast growing history.


Every pest has a natural predator. While many farmers use chemicals to rid their greenhouses of pests, using these natural predators instead has significant benefits.

What is biological control

When pesticides were first invested, they appeared to be a great solution for protecting crops from pests. However, it was soon discovered that the more you use pesticides, the more resistant pests become. Farmers must spray chemicals more often and may need to switch to more toxic chemicals periodically.

Additionally, the chemicals in pesticides are also harmful to plants. Studies show that after spraying, plants stop growing for at least one day. If a farmer sprays once a week, they lose 10%-15% of plant growth.

In response, farmers started exploring a different method for controlling pests in greenhouses. In natural ecosystems there is a balance between predators and prey. If farmers can create the right balance in their greenhouse ecosystem, they have a natural method for controlling pests. This is called biological control.

Advantages of biological control

Farmers using biological control experience several advantages that can lead to optimal yield and better business results. Here are a few of the benefits.

  • Long-term solution: Natural ecosystems can survive for hundreds of years because of the equilibrium inside. The same goes for greenhouses using biological controls. If the right balance is obtained, this is an indefinite solution that farmers can rely on. There is no need for constant changes to maintain the equilibrium.
  • Cleaner crops: Plants and crops are chemical-free, which is becoming preferable to distributors and consumers. Consumers are willing to pay more for cleaner crops and the demand for them is growing. Additionally, there are some products that cannot be protected with chemicals. For example, if you use bees for pollination at your farm, chemicals will harm them.
  • Improved yield: Pesticides cost growers 10%-15% of growth. With biological control, plants grow bigger and faster meaning there is a greater yield of quality crops.

How to implement biological control in your greenhouse

Using biological control in a greenhouse is all about finding balance. You need to find the right equilibrium in your environment.

Step 1: Stop using chemicals

To use biological control, you must reduce chemical use as much as possible. Chemical use will destroy your natural predators and topple your equilibrium. It may take time to completely rid a greenhouse of chemicals. The residue might remain for up to two years before it completely disappears. However, once you decide to use biological control, it is better to stop or minimize chemical usage.

Step 2: Bring in natural predators

Every pest has a natural predator. You should know what pests are present in your greenhouse and import their predators. For example, if you have aphids in your greenhouse, you might bring in ladybugs, parasitic wasps, or birds. There are guidelines for how many natural predators to release in your greenhouse, but it is recommended to err on the side of caution. Bring in more than you think you’ll need. The expense of extra natural predators is much less than the costs of too many pests. The security and safety of your crops is worth the extra investment.

You must remember that natural predators need the pests to survive. Pests are their food so if you bring in too many natural predators, an equilibrium will be created based on the amount of their food source.

Step 3: Scout and monitor

With biological control, it is very important to frequently and accurately monitor the ecosystem you created in your greenhouse to ensure the equilibrium is maintained. A new development is the use of cameras; however, it can be tiring to watch for pests on cameras.

A proven and efficient method is to use sticky cards that catch insects. Based on what you catch, you can extrapolate how many pests and natural predators are present in your greenhouse.

You must also monitor plants for growth. If you see that crops are getting destroyed by pests, you might need more natural predators. It’s important to map your greenhouse and strategize how to monitor it. A good scouting and monitoring system will leave you with fewer surprises, meaning less work and higher efficiency.

The value of cleaner products

Today, supermarkets and consumers are becoming stricter about what products they accept. People are more aware of chemicals and their unhealthy effects on the human body. As farmers, we have a responsibility to provide healthy and safe products to consumers. We also have a responsibility to protect our environment by not introducing poisonous chemicals.

While this is an important thing for the environment and our planet, it is also great for business. The higher demand for greener products means that distributors and retailers are willing to pay higher prices. This is a relatively simple way to create more value in your farming business and increase profits.

This method is for you if you want to create a better world and make more money doing it.

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How crop hygiene helps optimize greenhouse yield

By |2023-11-22T13:02:32+00:00November 20th, 2023|Blog|

Written by: Mr. Peter Klapwijk, Green Architect and Connector with a vast growing history.


Crop hygiene and phytosanitary control are essential for healthy crops. Read on for tips to create a sound hygiene strategy that will lead to resilient crops and optimal growth.

What is crop hygiene?

A hygienic greenhouse is one without pests, weeds, diseases, pollution, or fungi. All these issues come from the outside and get into your greenhouse from insects, contamination from your workers, or excess still water.
It is important to create a strategy to avoid issues that can hinder growth. Your strategy can include preventative methods, monitoring protocols, chemical usage, acceptable pest levels, and biological controls.

Disciplines and protocols for ensuring crop hygiene

There are several different types of methods for ensuring crop hygiene. First, there are preventative methods, second are monitoring strategies, and third are responsive protocols.

Preventative methods

There are many things you can do to prevent contamination in your greenhouse. First, you should use high-quality netting and place hygiene locks at all greenhouse entrances to prevent insects, fungi, viruses, and bacteria from entering.
Before planting any new crops, you should scan the greenhouse for weeds or any small plants on the ground. Aphids and other pests tend to gravitate toward these floor plants that may not get sprayed by your greenhouse sprayers.

Your greenhouse sprayers should be set up to reach every inch and corner of your greenhouse so you don’t miss any parts of your plants. Any parts of your plants that don’t get sprayed are susceptible to pests.

It’s also important to check around the outside of your greenhouse for any aphid nests, weeds, or anything else that could possibly migrate into your greenhouse and cause problems.

Your other most important preventative methods include protocols for your workers. Your workers should wear protective clothing in your greenhouse and switch clothing between greenhouses to avoid spreading any possible issues. Have your workers use different tools for each row and disinfect your tools regularly. It’s also important to work in the same direction every time so that there is an equal time between when your workers examine every plant.

Monitoring strategies
Bacteria and disease spread quickly. If you find them early, you might be able to manage the spreading and keep more of your plants healthy. To catch problems as early as possible, you should set up scouting and monitoring protocols to ensure every inch of your greenhouse is scanned in timely intervals.
It’s important that several members of the growing team who can recognize diseases monitor your greenhouse. Your team may choose to monitor each row on a different day and then start over once the entire greenhouse has been thoroughly scouted.
While your greenhouse manager and his growing team colleagues should be monitoring, it is also important to instruct all employees to know what to look for in your greenhouse. Your workers are close to your plants, if they know what insects are harmful, the signs of disease, or the sprouting of fungi, this can help you catch them early.

Sticky cards that attract insects are also very useful to see what type of insects and the concentration of insects in your greenhouse. If you see any aphids or disease-carrying insects on your sticky cards, you know you need to do something to take care of them.
Need sticky cards? Paskal has a product like this. Talk to our sales team

Responsive protocols
Spraying chemicals is a common way to avoid and respond to pests in your greenhouse. Chemicals are poisonous, making them effective for killing pests, however, they are also harmful to your plants. Every time you spray in your greenhouse, you disturb plant growth for about two days. Plants do not grow for at least six hours after spraying and then it takes them time to get back to their normal growth rate. That means if you spray once a week, you might lose between 5%-10% of production.

If you spray, you must consider whether spraying is helping your plants by killing pests or inhibiting growth for too long. You might decide to allow a certain level of pests in your greenhouse so as not to disturb growth. Additionally, it is important to note that insects evolve and may be able to resist chemicals. Spraying might lead to stronger pests that will require stronger chemicals to remove them.

Another method is to use biological controls and create an ecosystem that is not friendly to pests. For example, if you have white flies or aphids, you might bring in another insect that won’t damage your plants but will eat the aphids and white flies. This method has shown long-term success. It is also more sustainable, and better for consumers and supermarkets that often prefer produce with fewer chemicals. You will avoid pests without disturbing plant growth. However, you must monitor biological controls very carefully to ensure nothing is out of hand and everything is working. There is little room for error.
A third method includes fogging or misting. Using very small drips, you can create fog in your greenhouse with sprays or biological treatments. With this method, you should cover your crops so the fog does not touch them. You must make sure the chemicals are in the air long enough to be effective, but also ensure that the chemicals do not disrupt the plants.

Battling viruses with vaccines
Vaccines are a great option for creating resilient and resistant plants, however, vaccines are not available for all diseases. If you have vaccines available to you, it is smart to vaccinate plants when they are young. Plants may get sick from the vaccines, so early vaccinations allow plants to recover before they flower or create crops.

You may also find disease-resistant varieties of plants, but you should be aware that the crops of these breeds may look or taste different than what you expect.

Creating resilient plants
The best way to create resilient plants is to keep them healthy and ensure an optimal environment for growth. This includes providing them with the right nutrients and amount of water.

For example, you might provide crops with a lower nitrogen level to reduce crop sensitivity to aphids. You might also avoid allowing free water in your greenhouse, as free water allows fungi to germinate. Once fungi germinate, the spores can attack weak cells in your plants. You might also use sulfur, which is very effective against fungi and other spores.
Keeping your plants strong is the most effective way to battle viruses, fungi, and other pests. However, your plants may still get sick. When this happens, they may not photosynthesize well so it is important to create a good environment for them to recover. Keep temperatures cool and don’t allow plants to be burdened by lots of crops.

Take good care of your plants and you will be rewarded by your crops.

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What Global Conflict Means for Farmers and Food Safety

By |2023-11-22T13:01:01+00:00November 19th, 2023|Blog|

Written By: Aviva Gat, Content Writer

Healthy produce is one of the most important things for sustaining life on our planet.

When people don’t have access to sufficient or safe foods, they are susceptible to malnutrition, starvation, and multiple diseases ranging from dysentery to food poisoning and cancer.

While food safety is a priority along the entire supply chain, its root is at the farm. Farmers are the first important stakeholder in ensuring food safety and protecting public health.

While farmers are always responsible for growing and supplying safe and healthy foods, their responsibility is amplified in times of conflict. Read on to learn what farmers need to know about food safety amid global conflicts and how to implement food safety strategies.

Yonatan Gery, Operation Manager

How global conflicts affect food safety

Thanks to globalization, countries export and import produce from all over the world. The international trade of agricultural products is a big part of the global economy and ensures that people everywhere have access to food.

Global conflicts can impact trade and lead to food challenges and crises all over the world. In times of conflict, farmers may not be able to work their fields, leading to reduced production. Fields and crops can also be destroyed or contaminated. And even if food is produced, trade routes can be interrupted, and produce may expire or be unable to reach its intended destination.

For example, due to the Israeli Iron Swords War, acres of farmland have been desolated and populations have been evacuated to safer locations. There aren’t any available workers to work the fields and harvest ripe crops.

This can lead to food scarcity, where people may be unable to access enough food. This can be seen across Europe, Africa, and Asia due to the 2020 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Known as the “breadbasket of Europe,” Ukraine is one of the top grain producers and exporters in the region, but production dropped 29% due to the war[i]. The reduced production means that less produce is available in countries that previously relied on Ukrainian exports.

Food prices are also affected due to conflicts. Commodity prices are driven by supply and demand. Once supply drops, but demand remains the same, prices increase, meaning that people in lower financial brackets may not be able to access food. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the

Maor Rakedzon- Israel & Projects Sales Manager, Yair Ben Eliezer- Finance Manager, Yonatan Gery- Operation Manager

The farmer’s role in food safety

When farmers caught up in conflict may be unable to produce, the rest of the world’s farmers may need to step in to ensure that the world’s citizens have enough to eat. For example, the European Commission estimates that the world must produce an additional 25 million tons of wheat due to the Russian/Ukrainian war.
Every farmer can do their part to maximize their crops to reduce deficiencies caused by global conflicts. This does not mean farmers are obligated to grow more, but it does mean that improving efficiency can significantly contribute to reducing world hunger.
Farmers can contribute to global food security by ensuring they are maximizing yield and protecting crops from contamination by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and chemicals.

Strategies to ensure food safety

While there are many protocols and regulations created by government bodies to ensure food safety, there are specific strategies for farmers to optimize yield and ensure healthy crops. Here are a few strategies Paskal has learned from the field.

Neta Scheinman, Global Quantity Manager

Strategies to improve yield

  • Irrigating for nutritional balance: Plants need different nutrients to grow and thrive. For optimal yield, plants need the right mix of nitrogen, calcium, and potassium. Plants get their nutrients from the additives provided through an irrigation system. Strategic irrigation can ensure that plants get an optimal nutrient balance that will lead to improved yield. Learn more about irrigation strategies here
  • Substrates: Substrates provide an optimal root environment and can therefore lead to up to 25% more crops. Crop losses due to damage are also reduced by about 30% because of the improved quality. Another benefit of substrates is that they ensure there are no diseases, fungi, or bacteria in the soil that could affect plants. Learn more about substrates here
  • Truss support: Heavy fruits put added weight on stems, which can lead to kinks, snaps, or other damage that prevents the free flow of water and nutrients to the leaves and fruit. When stems are damaged, growth is slowed, and crops suffer lower quality. Using truss arches to support stems prevents damage and can reduce the ripening period, meaning more crops are ready for harvest faster. Learn more about truss arches here

Strategies to ensure healthy crops

  • Grafting: Grafting is a great strategy to combat plant diseases, improve crop lifecycles, and create more resilient crops. Grafted plants have better immunity because they benefit from the resistance of several plant varieties, and they can thrive in a wider range of temperatures. This increased plant strength also means that plants need fewer chemicals and pesticides, making them preferable to consumers. Learn more about grafting here
  • Hygiene: Good crop hygiene means there are no pests, weeds, diseases, pollution, or fungi affecting the plants. When greenhouses are clear from contamination, plants are healthier and more resilient to battle any diseases, viruses, or bacteria that may infect them. Every greenhouse needs hygiene protocols to ensure no contaminants enter. These protocols cover how farmers set up the greenhouse, how the growing team works, and how inspections are done. Learn more about crop hygiene here
  • Vaccinate: Plant vaccines are not always available, but if they are, they are a great option for creating resilient and resistant plants. Vaccinations infect plants with small doses of diseases, which can make plants sick in the beginning, but will ensure that plants are not severely sick later. When plants recover from their vaccines, they are stronger and better able to fight diseases.

A healthy future

Food safety is of utmost importance for the survival of our planet, especially during global conflicts. Farmers have a key position in helping people suffering from the consequences of conflicts and can make small changes to ensure they are doing everything they can. Not only will adopting these strategies help people in need, but they will also ensure an efficient farm and therefore a healthy farming business.

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Create an irrigation strategy for optimal nutrient balance

By |2023-07-31T08:34:01+00:00July 31st, 2023|Blog|

Written by: Mr. Peter KlapwijkGreen Architect and Connector with a vast growing history.

Just like humans, plants need an optimal nutrient balance to thrive. Crops that receive the right amount of nutrients have higher yields and better fruit. To obtain these results, farmers need precise irrigation and fertilization strategies.

What is an optimal nutrient balance?

Continuing with the human metaphor, an optimal nutrient balance depends on the age and situation of the subject. For example, children and adults have different needs, as do men and women. A person’s lifestyle and environment also influence their optimal nutrient balance.

Similarly, crops each have their own needs. Their needs may be influenced by:

  • The age and stage of the crop
  • Whether the crop is producing fruits
  • The season and climate
  • The weather and environment
  • The soil and growth medium

Even understanding these factors, each plant may have different needs. Two plants of the same species in the same environment might have needs that vary by up to 30%. It’s not unusual for plants to require 20% more nutrients than average, while other plants might need 10% less than average.

To ensure crops receive the nutrients they need, farmers may be tempted to overfertilize and offer excess nutrients, thinking that the excess will just wash away through the drain water. Not only is this wasteful, leading to excess costs and wasted fertilizer, but it can also be harmful to plants. In fact, if the nutrient concentration or electrical conductivity (EC) in your nutrient solution is too high, plants might transpire less and lower transpiration can hinder growth. Roots tend to absorb water with lower EC faster.

Additionally, an excess of any one specific nutrient can also be harmful. For example, too much potassium might limit growth. Farmers must find the right balance between offering enough nutrients without overfeeding crops.

What nutrients do plants need?

There are multiple nutrients plants need to grow optimally.

  • Nitrogen–Nitrogen is one of the top elements for plant growth. This element is a key ingredient in all plant cells and is necessary for the photosynthesis process. Nitrogen might be considered the gasoline that fuels the plant’s engine.
  • Calcium—Calcium helps build the walls of plant cells in the stem, roots, and leaves. It is important for a strong structure and a bright green color.
  • Potassium—Potassium is important for the vascular structure of the plant. It ensures necessary starches, sugars, and oils are dispersed through the plant, leading to increased vigor, disease resistance, and fruit quality.
  • Sodium—Sodium is not generally considered a necessary nutrient for plants, but it can help improve a plant’s metabolism. Farmers however need to be careful not to give plants too much sodium, as this can interfere with the plant’s ability to absorb other nutrients.

Using irrigation to obtain nutrient balance

Your irrigation strategy should be based on the needs of your crops, including their nutritional needs. In this article, we are discussing irrigation strategy when growing on substrates.

An irrigation strategy is built of two components: nutrients and water. You can provide nutrients through fertilizers that include a mix of nutrients, or you can add single nutrients to your growing medium. Whichever you choose should be based on what your plants need and what is available from local suppliers.

Water is the second element of your irrigation strategy and can be used to ensure your plants receive the right amount of nutrients. To start, consider how much water plants generally need in a day. To ensure your plants never get over-dry, you might choose to increase this amount by 25%. For example, if a plant needs one liter per day, you might provide 1.25 liters.

It’s important not to overwater your plants. Too much water will eliminate the oxygen in a substrate. Oxygen is important for root growth and helps plants absorb nutrients. You want to provide water only when the previous shot of water is almost depleted.

One irrigation strategy that helps farmers avoid overwatering is by providing large shots of water for longer time periods less often. This ensures that your substrates are saturated and allows plants to continuously absorb the water until it is almost depleted before you provide another shot of water.

Every time you give water, you are flushing elements in the soil. This is another reason to water less often if you are providing specific amounts of nutrients to your plants. If you give too much of one element, you can increase the water content to flush the element and equalize the soil.

Using irrigation to obtain nutrient balance

Using irrigation to avoid disease

Your irrigation strategy should also include the timing of water shots to avoid diseases. There are many plant diseases that start from fungi and bacteria found in free water. You don’t want this free water to be soaking into the substrate and become a breeding ground for fungi and mildew to germinate.

Water shots should always be given while plants are transpiring. Plants transpire the most during the day, so much of your irrigation should take place during the daylight. Any water shots given too early in the morning or too late in the evening can lead to disease.

Monitoring and improving your irrigation strategy

If you want optimal growth, you will need to anticipate crops’ needs and provide exact amounts of nutrients and water. To do this, you will need to test your irrigation strategy and nutrient concentrations and measure the results. Here are a few things that you should check:

  • Dripper input and output—Are your drippers operating consistently? It’s important to check that all drippers provide an equal amount of water.
  • Wet scale—Use electronic measurement equipment to check the water content of your substrates. This will tell you whether you are providing the right amount of water.
  • Drain water—Analyzing the drain water will tell you how much nutrients the plants are absorbing. If there are a lot of excess nutrients, you might be giving too much. Drain water can also be recirculated after disinfection so the excess nutrients are not wasted.
  • Plant samples—You can examine crop samples in a laboratory to see how they react to different nutrients.

Once you know what your plants need, you’ll be equipped to proactively anticipate how to care best for your crops. Your plants will thank you will higher quality fruit, increased yield, and a bigger bottom line.


Mr. Peter Klapwijk is currently delving into R&D. In the past, his work was very practical, and he helped so many companies. He thoroughly enjoys working with Paskal and all their latest innovative developments while always trying to keep it simple.

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A Farmer’s Guide to Substrates

By |2023-05-24T12:41:40+00:00May 21st, 2023|Blog|

Written by: Mr. Peter KlapwijkGreen Architect and Connector with a vast growing history.


Substrate use in greenhouses is on the rise and for good reasons.

Not only do substrates protect crops from diseases, but they also lead to an increase in production and a reduction in resource and labor use.

A Farmer’s Guide to Substrates

What are substrates?

Substrates are a growth medium used for crops. Rather than planting crops in regular soil, crops can be planted in substrates that are specifically designed to provide an optimal root environment. Farmers can use substrates of different sizes and shapes to make the most out of their greenhouse configuration.

The use of substrates first started to combat diseases in soil. When you plant and replant the same crops in the same soil, root diseases can easily spread and carry over to new seasons. Farmers can sterilize the ground between every planting, which can get expensive, or they can use substrates.

New substrates are used every planting season, ensuring there are no leftover fungi or bacteria that could harm future crops.

The advantages of substrates

The advantages of substrates

Running a profitable greenhouse requires extreme optimization and efficiency. Substrates can help farmers by providing several benefits and advantages.

  1. Increase yield: Crops grown on substrates tend to produce 20%-25% more crops. This is attributed to an improved root environment and minimal exposure to diseases.
  2. Minimize loss: Farmers can lose up to 30% of fruit due to cracks and damage. Substrates minimize the amount of fruit loss because overall fruit quality is improved.
  3. Reduce labor: Substrates are simple to refresh every planting season. Replacing substrates takes significantly less time than preparing old soil for new crops.
  4. Improve control: Substrates provide a confined environment for crops’ roots. If you have a good system in place, you will have very tight control over this environment and can ensure perfect humidity and nutrients in the substrate.
  5. Save water: Substrates can be closed systems with water recycling through the substrate. Rather than letting old water and salt drain, it can be recirculated through the substrate, saving about 30% of water usage.

The challenges with substrates

While substrates provide many advantages, they require very close control. While soil may be forgiving if you have a problem with your irrigation or drip systems, substrates are not. With soil, you might be able to wait a few hours or even a day to fix irrigation issues, but because substrates are more confined and compact, you need to fix any problems immediately.

Substrate types

There are different types of substrates that you can use in your greenhouse. While any sponge-like material that can absorb nutrients and allow roots to embed, these are the most popular materials for substrates:

  • Stone wool/rock wool: This is an inorganic material made of stones. It is a reliable substrate made in factories and allows for very precise management of fertigation and irrigation. However, it can be difficult to maintain an optimum nutrient balance with it.
  • Cocopeat: Cocopeat is an organic and eco-friendly material made of coconut husks. These husks function like wood, making a very stable root environment. This material can be reused after the crop for open fields as compost and to improve structure.
  • Peat: Peat moss is an organic material made of decomposed plant material. Crops like peat moss, which gives them a very good start. A disadvantage with peat is that it starts to compost during the crop, which can destabilize the nutrients and cause root problems.
  • Wood/sawdust: Wood fizzles or sawdust can be used for a substrate.
  • Perlite: Perlite is volcanic stone with high oxygen content. It is inorganic and can be difficult to buffer nutrients inside it.

It’s important to note the differences between organic and inorganic substrates. If you use organic substrates such as cocopeat or peat, you can likely reuse the substrate at the end of the season for open field crops or for generator fuel. While you cannot reuse the substrate in your greenhouse, it can be a great growth medium in an open field once you remove the plastic covering. Inorganic substrates are non-compostable and not reusable. They usually can be recycled back at the factory where they were created.

How to start using substrates in your greenhouse

How to start using substrates in your greenhouse

Using substrates in your greenhouse will have a huge effect on your efficiency, however, you must have the right system in place for it. If you want to succeed with substrates the first thing you must do is invest in a technical installation including backup irrigation, a facility for mixing nutrients, a reliable distribution system, and technical dripper lines. Your system should have alarms in place so you will be instantly notified of any issues.

Investing in a technical system might seem like a big expense, however, it will hugely pay off. This is the cheapest and most efficient way to improve production.

Next, you should figure out which substrate material you would like to use. To do this, you must first analyze the availability and prices of the different materials in your country. For example, cocopeat often comes from India, Sri Lanka, or Indonesia. Could you bring this material to your greenhouse cost-efficiently? Stone wool, on the other hand, is made in a factory. Is there a local factory you can purchase it from?

You must also consider which types of materials your crops might prefer in your environment. For example, if you live in a warm country, a substrate with larger water and nutrient buffer might be better.

In colder countries, you can probably get away with a lower buffer. If you grow cucumbers, you might investigate substrates with higher oxygen content like perlite, or if you’re growing peppers, you might choose a more water-soluble substrate.

In this analysis, you can also speak with other greenhouse growers in your area to see what they are using. Most likely, they have done their own analysis of what is available and what works in your environment.

Once you’ve done this analysis, it’s time to perform your own substrate trials. Install substrates in your greenhouse and start planting. Don’t be afraid to invest in larger buffers than you think you need. While you could probably get away with smaller buffers, larger buffers could pay off, especially when you are starting out. Larger buffers allow for more root volume, which is important if there are any issues with your irrigation or nutrient dispenser systems.

You can grow any crop in any substrate if you do it correctly. It might take you some time to learn, but substrates are a surefire way to improve results in your greenhouse business.


Mr. Peter Klapwijk is currently delving into R&D. In the past, his work was very practical, and he helped so many companies. He thoroughly enjoys working with Paskal and all their latest innovative developments while always trying to keep it simple.

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Case Study: How truss arches practically contribute to cultivating cherry tomatoes

By |2023-04-11T12:53:11+00:00April 11th, 2023|Blog|

Writer: Mr. Mikhail Vorobyev, Agronomist Consultant, Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences


One of the most common challenges with growing tomatoes is stem damage inflicted by the weight of fruit. When stems kink or snap, the free flow of nutrients is blocked. Therefore, tomatoes ripen slower and harvest may be delayed from 4 to 7 days. Moreover, the resulting fruit may be heterogeneous or small. Thus, yield losses can range from 3%-15%.

Furthermore, all subsequent growth and development of tomato clusters is delayed and plants experience a constant increase in load.

Today, high-tech greenhouses take advantage of a wide range of accessories to improve the tomato-growing process. Modern solutions provide optimal conditions for healthy growth and increase top-quality yields. This experiment aims to quantify how truss arches contribute to cherry tomato cultivation in a simple film greenhouse designed for the spring-summer season.


Paskal truss arches are specially designed to ensure both firm and safe stem support. The accessory is applied to a truss during the flowering stage where future breaks may occur. As fruit grows on the plant, the truss arch gently supports the cluster to prevent damage.

For diversity in this experiment, we tested two types of Paskal truss arches with differing flexibility.

  1. Flexible Arch (article 560ac): this arch has a softer structure and bends at a smooth angle, allowing for application at the later stages of flowering without risking damage.
  2. Top Flex Arch (article 561ac): this arch is more rigid and guides the cluster at an ideal angle. It must be installed during a specific time period or it can damage the stem.


The experiment took place in a spring film greenhouse with solar heating, mulching material to retain heat, and moist soil to suppress weed growth.

The seeds were sowed on April 1st and May 2nd. After 45 days, the seedlings were planted in a two-line pattern with four-fold repetition. They were classically cultivated and after five days were trellised as one stem with side shoots removed weekly.

Truss arches were applied to all plant clusters in this experiment.



The effectiveness of the truss arches was determined by the quality and quantity of the harvest. In this experiment, the yield per plant was calculated as the number of tomatoes on one truss, the average weight of one fruit, and the number of trusses per plant.

The results were stunning:

  1. Truss arches significantly reduced the ripening period of cherry tomatoes. Cherry tomato plants with truss arches were first harvested 2-3 days earlier than plants in the control group without arches. Plants in the control group that experienced kinks or stem damage due to fruit weight experienced delayed ripening periods of up to seven days.
  2. Trusses with arches had higher weights.  Trusses with arches weighed about 10-30 grams (6% to 14%) more than trusses without, resulting in a 5%-7% increase in yield.
  3. The right accessory ensures high-quality fruit. Understanding a crop’s needs and peculiarities helps you choose the right tools for better harvests.
  4. Truss arches contribute to profits from cherry tomato plants. Arches are cost-effective and easy for greenhouse workers to install.
Cherry tomato Hybrids Truss Arches Average fruit weight, grams Average truss weight, grams Average yield kg\1 plant.  ±  yield % in comparison with the control data
№1 No truss arches 17 250,6 2,0
Flexible Arch 20 270,2 2,32 +14
Top Flex 19 262,3 2,21 +9
№2 No truss arches 8 175,2 1,40
Flexible Arch 10 179,3 1,45 +3
Top Flex 9 184,5 1,61 +9
№3 No truss arches 14 165,5 1,30
Flexible Arch 15 179,8 1,45 +6
Top Flex 15 172,2 1,35 +2
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