Remote monitoring for modern greenhouses is on the rise, especially with more farmers adapting to the pandemic’s impact on the industry’s ecosystem. Resources are becoming more scarce and long distance travel is limited in most places around the world. Hiring new employees and seasonal staff is a whole other challenge on its own aside from the daily growing maintenance and tasks. Considering the above factors, our crops should not have to suffer for it and neither should we. The world needs its healthy farms more than ever before. Pandemic or not, more and more indoor growing operations are digitally evolving, enabling Paskal’s wireless irrigation monitoring application, DrainVision, to help lighten the heavy load.


Farming Life Before the Pandemic

One of the biggest challenges that indoor growers and protected horticulture experts are facing is addressing the immediate demands for upholding various plant types from any remote location. Before Paskal introduced DrainVision to the catalogue, it used to be that traditional farmers relied mostly on information collected from the field by a staff member who was able to physically attend and assess each crop. Based on the information reported about the plant root and canopy environment, farmers could then estimate how to direct their attention first and how to address each crop’s unique situation. It is the same today as then, just a lot more convenient and a whole lot more precise thanks to DrainVision’s cloud enhanced technology.

Modern Technology for Sustainable Agriculturepaskal's Phytovision infographic

Starting with sustainability, a major advantage of Paskal’s DrainVision is that it was developed to help conserve water and resources without wasting valuable time or energy. With accurate reporting and online analysis, it’s easy to monitor, prevent and avoid unfavorable conditions that may reduce yield quantity and quality. Measuring your crops’ water levels and substrate moisture contents can all be done from the palm of your hand with customizable automatic update reports of up to 10 minute intervals. The system collects data in five minute intervals in order to provide a more accurate report for vegetables, but also for more sensitive growth that demands accurate irrigation such as soft fruits.

Helping Digitize Greenhouse IrrigationDrainvision system

Having a digital substrate scale and sensor technology that is a cloud-based platform like this enables you to optimize your crops from virtually anywhere in the world. To enhance regulations and environmental sustainability, this system is also effective at helping to reduce potential disease and pathogens. Now you can remotely monitor water irrigation levels, fertilizer use, and crops based on real-time reporting for today’s best greenhouse irrigation practices. The DrainVision scale simply integrates with various substrates to collect data such as the quantity of each tray’s drainage water, as well as irrigation water. By attaching one of the plant drippers to the measuring station, DrainVision helps accurately track crop progress and health. Now your plants can get the water and nutrients that they need exactly when they need it, while benefiting from improved drainage performance.

Smart Design Means Comfort and Easedrainvision system

The substrate floor-scales are available in different sizes to accommodate different crops such as vegetables, soft-fruits, cannabis, and various leafy vegetables, to track and monitor the weight and water levels. Efficient trellising will help provide accurate readings without interfering with the plant weight on the substrate, only the roots, substrate, and water content is measured. Floor scale crops will be measured with an acute sense for any changes in evaporation and the detection of water fill levels. With all variables being taken into account, DrainVision will be collecting all this information and sending it to a secure data cloud for you to access any time.

Easy to Use and Install

With your drippers connected to the measuring stations, and the substrates positioned on the plant tray floor-scales, your plants will wirelessly communicate with you. Your crop’s drain and irrigation water levels, substrate content moisture, and fertilizer salinity level is transmitted to the base station with customizable reports. DrainVision is affordable and works with almost any generic SIM card. In addition, DrainVision’s stand-alone solution is now available with extended solar-powered base stations which are ideal for remote locations with zero access to electricity. At Paskal, we understand how essential proper crop monitoring is for high quality root environment, high quality products, and ultimately high quality crop yields.

Learn more about DrainVision here >> DrainVision